dimanche 24 novembre 2013

Осень позвонила Лету

Осень позвонила Лету
"Для кого ты в цвет одето?"
- В саду моем лишь теплый ветер веет
- Желтеющие листья в нем нескоро облетят
- И сочных ягод аромат
- Полившего цветы сейчас, зимой согреет

mercredi 13 novembre 2013

educational shift we need

Since a while I've been thinking about my education and how I could have benifited from musical one if had took it as a teen. Add here talks about singularity, machines finally being more thinkable than humans. Then I would add to this soup some ideas about greatest shows that had never been seen until such a big structure as stadium "became available", so to speak. All that, in my opinion, means that more and more artistic capabilities of a human being itself are going to be valued and cultural shows of unimaginable scales going to be organized in the future, some of greatest artists gonna be born in this century and a kind of RE:naissance going to start very soon.
Today I found http://www.ted.com/playlists/49/bobak_ferdowsi_on_our_home_in.html a speach of TED that shares the same idea, development of mathematical capabilities of our mind isn't the ultimate aim of the educational process. Picaso's thought on being able to save and develop artistism everyone of us was born with, is the ultimate
On dit que avant le Tour de Babel, l’humanité eut parle une langue. Quelque soit le raison maintenant on parle, je crois, plus que centième langues, mais la direction pour moi est claire. Avec la vitesse toujours croissante les langues se avancent a l'un de l'outre. Dans 2-3 génération les frontières entre les langues seraient imperceptibles. De plus en plus mots seraient similaires, dons les langues se relieraient, si non transformaient a juste une langue.